Meilleure progression Challenge DV Belgique Amateur

Dernière mise à jour :

26 Maxime Anciaux Wallonie-Bruxelles 206 pts + 21 pts
27 Dries Van Gestel Lotto-Soudal U23 203 pts + 21 pts
28 Steven Caethoven Decock-Woningbouw Vandekerckhove 271 pts + 20 pts
29 Tom Dernies Wallonie-Bruxelles 756 pts + 19 pts
30 Kevin Peeters Crelan-Vastgoedservice 465 pts + 19 pts
31 Benjamin Declercq EFC-Etixx 171 pts + 19 pts
32 Mathias De Witte FCP - Glascentra 74 pts + 18 pts
33 Jens De Meyere Wetterse Dakwerken-Trawobo-VDM 35 pts + 18 pts
34 Christophe Prémont Wallonie-Bruxelles 153 pts + 17 pts
35 Julien Van den Brande Josan - To Win 17 pts + 17 pts
36 Fabio Polazzi Josan - To Win 182 pts + 15 pts
37 Emiel Vermeulen Team 3M 62 pts + 15 pts
38 Wouter Leten Team Van der Vurst - Hiko 54 pts + 15 pts
39 Nicolas Vereecken Vérandas Willems 537 pts + 13 pts
40 Timothy Stevens Team 3M 416 pts + 13 pts
41 Guy Smet Team Cibel-Cebon 18 pts + 13 pts
Jonathan Van Betsbrugge Deerlijk - Gaverzicht 18 pts + 13 pts
43 Jasper Dult Cycling Team 2o2o 16 pts + 13 pts
Floris Thore VL Technics-Experza-Abutriek 16 pts + 13 pts
45 Michiel Dieleman Smartphoto Cycling Team 82 pts + 11 pts
46 Mathias Ballet FCP - Glascentra 78 pts + 11 pts
47 Sebastiaan Pot Team 3M 35 pts + 11 pts
48 Joeri Calleeuw Geldhof Jielker Cycling Team 502 pts + 10 pts
49 Benjamin Verraes Josan - To Win 405 pts + 10 pts
50 Tom Devriendt Team 3M 233 pts + 10 pts