
Stadsprijs Geraardsbergen

Kermesse Pro

Gros plan

Aucune présentation n'a été trouvée.

Autres éditions de l'épreuve :
2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2021 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016

Created with Raphaël 2.1.2 and Mapael (http://www.vincentbroute.fr/mapael/)
Départ : Grammont
Arrivée : Grammont
Distance : 162 km
Heure de départ :

162 km en 3h18'11" (49.045 km/h)

1 Mathieu Van der Poel Alpecin-Deceuninck
2 David Van der Poel Alpecin-Deceuninck 54"
3 Bart Lemmen Volkerwessels Cycling Team 0"
4 Elias Van Breussegem Tarteletto-Isorex 59"
5 Peter Schulting Volkerwessels Cycling Team 1'22"
6 Thimo Willems Minerva Continental Team 0"
7 Jérôme Baugnies Team Cibel-Cebon 0"
8 Yentl Vandevelde Minerva Continental Team 0"
9 Thibau Verhofstadt Tarteletto-Isorex 0"
10 Ivan Centrone Philippe Wagner-Bazin 0"
11 Michiel Stockman Rembe Rad-net Pro CT 0"
12 Gil D'Heygere Minerva Continental Team 1'26"
13 Jeroen Meijers Terengganu Cycling Team 0"
14 Luke Verburg Parkhotel Valkenburg 0"
15 Jasper Kaesemans Urbano-Vulsteke-Bumaco CT 0"
16 Sébastien Van Poppel Urbano-Vulsteke-Bumaco CT 1'30"
17 Jens Adams Hollebeekhoeve CT 0"
18 Tomas De Neve VDM-Trawobo CT 0"
19 Wesley Mol Bike Aid 0"
20 Torsten Demeyere Tarteletto-Isorex 0"
21 Adne Koster Allinq Continental CT 0"
22 Jonas Geens Van Mossel Heist Cycling Team 0"
23 Julien Desmarets Stageco CT 0"
24 Bernardo Gonçalves XSpeed United Continental 0"
25 Logan Currie Bolton Equities-Black Spoke Pro Cycling 1'44"
26 Mike Schuch Parkhotel Valkenburg 1'48"
27 Aaron Van der Beken Lotto Development Team 0"
28 Alfdan De Decker Antwerp Cycling Team Kontich 2'22"
29 Andreas Goeman Tarteletto-Isorex 3'17"
30 Etienne Van Empel China Glory-Mentech Continental CT 0"
31 Tom Sexton Bolton Equities-Black Spoke Pro Cycling 0"
32 Jasper Paridaens RB Zelfbouw UCT 0"
33 Wannes Heylen Carbonbike-Giordana 0"
34 Jasper Haest Volkerwessels Cycling Team 0"
35 Sean Bero Urbano-Vulsteke-Bumaco CT 0"
36 Jaakko Sillankorva XSpeed United Continental 0"
37 Aden Paterson Allinq Continental CT 0"
38 Brem Deman VDM-Trawobo CT 0"
39 Joppe Heremans VDM-Trawobo CT 0"
40 Zak Coleman Volkerwessels Cycling Team 0"
41 Meindert Weulink Parkhotel Valkenburg 0"
42 Ronan Van Den Put Stageco CT 0"
43 Joshua Teasdale XSpeed United Continental 3'22"
44 Lennert Teugels Tarteletto-Isorex 0"
45 Nils Sinschek Parkhotel Valkenburg 0"
46 Mike Bronswijk Allinq Continental CT 0"
47 Sebastian Dreyer Heldahl XSpeed United Continental 3'29"
48 Maarten Van Asbroeck DL Chemicals - Experza Cycling Team 3'44"
49 Vince Gerits Stageco CT 3'59"
50 Sieben Roggeman RB Zelfbouw UCT 0"
51 Lance Decabooter VDM-Trawobo CT 0"
52 Len Dejonghe Deschacht-Hens-FSP 0"
53 Ryan Segers VDM-Trawobo CT 0"
54 Cesar Macias Estrada Start Cycling Team 0"
55 David Desmecht Carbonbike-Giordana 0"
56 Daniel Nordemann-Da Silva Philippe Wagner-Bazin 0"
57 Enrico Dhaeye Minerva Continental Team 0"
58 Maxime De Poorter Tarteletto-Isorex 0"
59 Nils Verheyen Urbano-Vulsteke-Bumaco CT 0"
60 Jord Baak Volkerwessels Cycling Team 0"
61 Alexander Teerlinck VDM-Trawobo CT 0"
62 Jente Klaver Volkerwessels Cycling Team 0"
63 Kenn Simon Carbonbike-Giordana 0"
64 Aurélien Biebuyck Philippe Wagner-Bazin 0"
65 Mattanja Woets Monda Vakantieparken-Ijsselstreek 0"
66 Bo Godart XSpeed United Continental 0"
67 Ben Mewes XSpeed United Continental 0"
68 Steve Maginet Soudal Quick-Step Devo Team 4'07"
69 Mitchel Fitzsimons Bolton Equities-Black Spoke Pro Cycling 0"
70 Stijn Siemons Philippe Wagner-Bazin 0"
71 Arthur Eeckhout VDM-Trawobo CT 4'10"
72 Kenneth Caethoven Minerva Continental Team 0"
73 Tom Vermeer Acrog-Tormans 4'18"
74 Jeroen Eyskens Tarteletto-Isorex 0"
75 Cyrus Monk MEIYO CCN Pro Cycling 0"
76 Hans Becking Individuel 4'21"
77 Mel Van der Veekens Parkhotel Valkenburg 0"
78 Wouter Engels RB Zelfbouw UCT 4'23"
79 Bart Tribout Soudal Quick-Step Devo Team 4'27"
80 Stef Rogier RB Zelfbouw UCT 0"
81 Robin Lowik Allinq Continental CT 0"
82 Bart Pieters Carbonbike-Giordana 0"
83 Max Kroonen Volkerwessels Cycling Team 4'31"

Dernières infos de l'épreuve