
Grand Prix de Rhodes


Gros plan

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Autres éditions de l'épreuve :
2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2018 - 2017

Départ : Non précisé
Arrivée : Non précisé
Distance : 196.3 km
Heure de départ : Non précisée

196.3 km

1 Dusan Rajovic Adria Mobil
2 Charalampos Kastrantas Grèce 0"
3 Luuc Bugter BEAT Cycling Club 0"
4 Herman Dahl Joker Fuel of Norway 0"
5 Jannik Steimle Team Vorarlberg 0"
6 Polychronis Tzortzakis Grèce 0"
7 Martijn Budding BEAT Cycling Club 0"
8 Lukas Rüegg Tudor Pro Cycling Team U23 0"
9 Antoine Aebi Akros-Excelsior-Thömus 0"
10 Anders Skaarseth Uno-X Mobility 0"
11 Joshua Huppertz Team Lotto Kern-Haus PSD Bank 0"
12 Ken-Levi Eikeland Oslofjord Cycling Team 0"
13 Markus Hoelgaard Uno-X Mobility 0"
14 Guillaume Seye BEAT Cycling Club 0"
15 Jonas Rutsch Team Lotto Kern-Haus PSD Bank 0"
16 Ahmet Orken Turquie 0"
17 Giorgios STAVRAKAKIS Grèce 0"
18 Tomas Barta Tufo-Pardus Prostejov 0"
19 Ziga Horvat Adria Mobil 0"
20 Charlie Meredith Zappi Racing Team 0"
21 Kristoffer M Skjerping Uno-X Mobility 0"
22 Per Christian Münstermann Rembe Rad-net Pro CT 0"
23 Johannes Hodapp Rembe Rad-net Pro CT 0"
24 José Manuel Diaz Gallego Team Vorarlberg 0"
25 Fritjof Roinas Joker Fuel of Norway 0"
26 Fabian Paumann Tudor Pro Cycling Team U23 0"
27 Artur Detko Team Hurom 0"
28 Marton Dina Pannon Cycling Team 0"
29 Alex Vogel Tudor Pro Cycling Team U23 0"
30 Yves Coolen BEAT Cycling Club 0"
31 Ole Forfang Joker Fuel of Norway 0"
32 Asbjorn Madsstuen Bygdo IL 0"
33 Charles Quarterman Zappi Racing Team 0"
34 Karel Tyrpekl Tufo-Pardus Prostejov 0"
35 Gorazd Per Adria Mobil 0"
36 Manuel Zobrist Akros-Excelsior-Thömus 0"
37 Georgios Bouglas Grèce 0"
38 Joann Leinau Rembe Rad-net Pro CT 0"
39 Michail KORTSIDAKIS Grèce 0"
40 Eirik Bruland Bygdo IL 0"
41 Timo Güller Akros-Excelsior-Thömus 0"
42 Ioannis Kyriakidis Rodilios Cycling Team 0"
43 Felix Intra Rembe Rad-net Pro CT 0"
44 Romain Duverger EuroCyclingTrips-CCN 0"
45 Larry Valvasori Team Vorarlberg 0"
46 Marius Blalid Oslofjord Cycling Team 0"
47 Marcin Budzinski Team Hurom 0"
48 Piotr Havik BEAT Cycling Club 0"
49 Tomasz Budzinski Team Hurom 0"
50 Jonas Abrahamsen Uno-X Mobility 0"
51 Radoslav Rogina Adria Mobil 0"
52 Kristian Østberg Killingberg Bygdo IL 0"
53 Miltiadis Giannoutsos Grèce 0"
54 Jan Hugger Team Lotto Kern-Haus PSD Bank 0"
55 Andras Szatmary Pannon Cycling Team 0"
56 Alex Mengoulas BEAT Cycling Club 0"
57 Ludvik Aspelund Holstad Joker Fuel of Norway 0"
58 Bjorn Tore Hoem Joker Fuel of Norway 0"
59 Maximilian Kuen Team Vorarlberg 0"
60 Patrick Schelling Team Vorarlberg 0"
61 Jonas Ellingsen Bygdo IL 0"
62 Roland Thalmann Team Vorarlberg 0"
63 Cyrill Steinacher PSP International-Superior 0"
64 Nathan Draper Zappi Racing Team 0"
65 Erik Nordsaeter Resell Uno-X Mobility 0"
66 Eirik Oskari Halvorsen Bygdo IL 0"
67 Reece Wood Zappi Racing Team 0"
68 Iver Johan Knotten Oslofjord Cycling Team 0"
69 Luca Henn Team Lotto Kern-Haus PSD Bank 0"
70 Louis Leinau Rembe Rad-net Pro CT 0"
71 Aljaz Jarc Adria Mobil 0"
72 Adam Lewis BEAT Cycling Club 0"
73 Andreas Vangstad Joker Fuel of Norway 0"
74 Joel Suter Akros-Excelsior-Thömus 0"
75 Daniel Dina Pannon Cycling Team 0"
76 Damian Lüscher Tudor Pro Cycling Team U23 0"
77 Giorgios Neilas Aiolos of Athens 0"
78 Cebrail Seker Turquie 0"
79 Patryk Biel Zero.BC 0"
80 Michel Giesselmann Rembe Rad-net Pro CT 0"
81 Jonas Härtig Rembe Rad-net Pro CT 0"
82 Thomas Peyroton-Dartet EuroCyclingTrips-CCN 0"
83 Halil Dogan Turquie 0"
84 Raphaël Krähemann Tudor Pro Cycling Team U23 0"
85 Ben Hamilton Zappi Racing Team 0"
86 Torstein Traeen Uno-X Mobility 0"
87 Henrik Evensen Joker Fuel of Norway 0"
88 Erlend Skjorten Bygdo IL 0"
89 Andre Rahd Bekken Oslofjord Cycling Team 0"
90 Denis Rugovac Tufo-Pardus Prostejov 0"
91 Marek Dolnicek Tufo-Pardus Prostejov 0"
92 Laurin Bachmann Akros-Excelsior-Thömus 0"
93 Ben Kenneally Zero.BC 0"
94 Panagiotis Magdanis Aiolos of Athens 0"
95 Onur Turgut Turquie 0"
96 Lilian Sanvicente CC Marmande 47 0"
97 Tobias Knaup Team Lotto Kern-Haus PSD Bank 0"
98 Florian Nowak Team Lotto Kern-Haus PSD Bank 0"
99 Adam Kus Team Hurom 0"
100 Mustafa Sayar Turquie 0"
101 Jon-Anders Bekken Oslofjord Cycling Team 0"
102 Christopher Patrick Zappi Racing Team 0"
103 Kristian Kulset Uno-X Mobility 0"
104 Magnus Drivenes Bygdo IL 0"
105 Zisis Soulios Rodilios Cycling Team 0"
106 Gergo Orosz Pannon Cycling Team 0"
107 Kiriakos Papastamatakis Rodilios Cycling Team 0"
108 Christian Bergsjo Oslofjord Cycling Team 0"
109 David Amsler PSP International-Superior 0"
110 Oguzhan Tiryaki Turquie 0"
111 Patryk Kostecki Team Hurom 0"
112 Stefan Rütimann PSP International-Superior 0"
113 Dominik Amann Team Vorarlberg 0"
114 Daniel Moricz Pannon Cycling Team 0"
115 Janos Zsombor Pelikan Pannon Cycling Team 0"
116 Iwan Hasler PSP International-Superior 0"
117 Claude Abderhalden PSP International-Superior 0"
118 Matthew Alder Zero.BC 0"
119 Benoît Guinchard Tudor Pro Cycling Team U23 0"
120 Ludek Lichnovsky Tufo-Pardus Prostejov 0"
121 Marc Dörrie Team Lotto Kern-Haus PSD Bank 0"
122 Norbert Banaszek Team Hurom 0"
123 Justin Brooks Rice Rodilios Cycling Team 0"
124 Simeon Green EuroCyclingTrips-CCN 0"
125 Panagiotis Xouris Aiolos of Athens 0"
126 Cezary Bzdak Team Hurom 0"
127 John DeLong EuroCyclingTrips-CCN 0"
128 Edvardt Tuko Oslofjord Cycling Team 0"
129 Joe Harris Zero.BC 0"
130 Georgios Kaloniatis Rodilios Cycling Team 0"
131 Süleyman Urcu Turquie 0"
132 Alexandros Avdelas Aiolos of Athens 0"
133 Andras Forray Pannon Cycling Team 0"
134 Georgios Papidas Aiolos of Athens 0"
135 Jonas Döring Akros-Excelsior-Thömus 0"
136 Georgios Kypriadis Rodilios Cycling Team 0"
137 Andreas Triantafillou Rodilios Cycling Team 0"
138 Loïs Dufaux Akros-Excelsior-Thömus 0"
139 Adam Lowe Zero.BC 0"
140 Guillaume Soula EuroCyclingTrips-CCN 0"
141 Aurélien Soubiran EuroCyclingTrips-CCN 0"
142 Matthias Reutimann Tudor Pro Cycling Team U23 0"
143 Tom Cornwell Zappi Racing Team 0"
144 Matous Mestan Tufo-Pardus Prostejov 0"
145 Daniel Babor Tufo-Pardus Prostejov 0"
146 Kevin Winter PSP International-Superior 0"
147 Alexios Broulis Aiolos of Athens 0"
148 Mario Fontana PSP International-Superior 0"

Dernières infos de l'épreuve

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