
GP Etienne De Wilde Laarne

1.12 IC 2

Gros plan

Aucune présentation n'a été trouvée.

Autres éditions de l'épreuve :
2025 - 2023 - 2022 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2012 - 2011

Départ : Laarne
Arrivée : Laarne
Distance : 139.5 km
Heure de départ : Non précisée

139.5 km en 2h59'42" (46.578 km/h)

1 Robbe Mellaerts Young Cycling Talent D&D
2 Jarno Bellens Stageco CT 0"
3 Sil De Brauwere Debondt Verandas CT 3"
4 Tomas De Neve VDM-Trawobo CT 13"
5 Ben Squire DCR Cycling Team 13"
6 Tom Timmermans Van Eyck Sport-Josan-TLD Express 13"
7 Gil D'Heygere CT Immo Plus-Pessemier NV 13"
8 Nathan Szekely Stageco CT 13"
9 Senne D'Hollander Cyclis-Van den Plas Cycling 13"
10 Kenn Simon Carbonbike-Giordana 13"
11 Jeno Grootjans Urbano-Vulsteke-Bumaco CT 13"
12 Len De Pauw Urbano-Vulsteke-Bumaco CT 13"
13 Thibau Verhofstadt Vetrapo-B-Close Cycling Team 13"
14 Asger De Valck Urbano-Vulsteke-Bumaco CT 13"
15 Niels De Rooze Carbonbike-Giordana 13"
16 Manolito Balcaen CT Immo Plus-Pessemier NV 13"
17 Thomas Verheyen Antwerp Cycling Team Kontich 13"
18 Dag Verbeeck Urbano-Vulsteke-Bumaco CT 13"
19 Jonas Volkaert VDM-Trawobo CT 13"
20 Siebren Antheunis Debondt Verandas CT 13"
21 Gilles Burssens VDM-Trawobo CT 13"
22 Xander Catteeuw The Lead Out Cycling Academy 13"
23 Maxim Laverge De Molenspurters Meulebeke 13"
24 Basiel Baert Hubo-Scott Cycling Team 13"
25 Matvey Ushakov Hubo-Scott Cycling Team 13"
26 Jado Bleyenberg Urbano-Vulsteke-Bumaco CT 13"
27 Théo Lowie Mini Discar Cycling Team 13"
28 Peter Drabble Hubo-Scott Cycling Team 13"
29 Alec Maes The Lead Out Cycling Academy 13"
30 Dimitri Van de Perre Van Eyck Sport-Josan-TLD Express 13"
31 Ylber Sefa KD Bikes-Doltcini CT 13"
32 Steven Vermeulen DCR Cycling Team 13"
33 Joerik De Neve CT Immo Plus-Pessemier NV 13"
34 Sid Berghmans Young Cycling Talent D&D 13"
35 Ron Donio Mixte 2 13"
36 Dario Van Der Heyden Van Eyck Sport-Josan-TLD Express 13"
37 Quinten Provost VDM-Trawobo CT 13"
38 Jarne Jacques Mixte 2 13"
39 Ross Birrell Mini Discar Cycling Team 13"
40 Aäron Vervaeke De Molenspurters Meulebeke 13"
41 Finn Dunton Debondt Verandas CT 13"
42 Robin Alderweireld Mixte 2 13"
43 Jelle Van Genechten Mini Discar Cycling Team 13"
44 Saar Shilo Mixte 2 13"
45 Simon Den Braber Volharding Cycling Team 13"
46 Julien Van den Brande Carbonbike-Giordana 13"
47 Brian Rigole De Molenspurters Meulebeke 13"
48 Pieter Delannoy De Molenspurters Meulebeke 13"
49 Jasper Dekien The Lead Out Cycling Academy 13"
50 Jonty Harris DCR Cycling Team 13"
51 Elias Reyns Hubo-Scott Cycling Team 13"
52 Damon Van Der Plaetsen Mixte 1 13"
53 Dries Grosemans Stageco CT 13"
54 Emiel Piceu Campe Cycling Team 13"
55 Sander Devenijns Vetrapo-B-Close Cycling Team 13"
56 Thibo Huion Stageco CT 13"
57 Gilles Beuselinck De Molenspurters Meulebeke 13"
58 Menno Van Es Volharding Cycling Team 13"
59 Edwin Van Cleemput The Lead Out Cycling Academy 13"
60 Augustijn Buyens Van Eyck Sport-Josan-TLD Express 13"
61 Guillaume Van Vlaenderen The Lead Out Cycling Academy 13"
62 Maarten Van Staeyen Cyclis-Van den Plas Cycling 13"
63 Julian Siemons Cyclis-Van den Plas Cycling 13"
64 Robin Rosseeuw Mixte 1 13"
65 Joppe Sterck DCR Cycling Team 13"
66 Bjarne Pieters Campe Cycling Team 13"
67 Yani D'Houst Campe Cycling Team 13"
68 Xander Verhagen Stageco CT 13"
69 Stan Van Grieken Stageco CT 13"
70 Kilian Moreels Cyclis-Van den Plas Cycling 13"
71 Senne Gabriels Antwerp Cycling Team Kontich 13"
72 Willem Janssens Cyclis-Van den Plas Cycling 13"
73 Théo Devoet Mixte 1 13"
74 Dylan Van Impe Vetrapo-B-Close Cycling Team 13"
75 Dries De Groote Antwerp Cycling Team Kontich 13"
76 Augustin De Graeve Mini Discar Cycling Team 13"
77 Yaxano Smet DCR Cycling Team 13"
78 Niels Willaerts Vetrapo-B-Close Cycling Team 13"
79 Joshua Davis KD Bikes-Doltcini CT 13"
80 Jarno Declercq LRG Cycling Team 13"
81 Kenji Van Cleemputte Debondt Verandas CT 13"
82 Jorre Smet DCR Cycling Team 34"
83 Senne De Meyer CT Immo Plus-Pessemier NV 34"
84 Glenn Verlaecke Carbonbike-Giordana 34"
85 Nick Peers Cyclis-Van den Plas Cycling 36"
86 Jonas Mertens LRG Cycling Team 36"
87 Wouter Verhulst Mixte 2 36"
88 Marvin Tasset Mini Discar Cycling Team 36"
89 Yari Denolf Urbano-Vulsteke-Bumaco CT 36"
90 Yarno Van Herck Urbano-Vulsteke-Bumaco CT 36"
91 Davy Van Damme Team Dakwerken Eddy Stroobant 36"
92 Jens Moens Van Eyck Sport-Josan-TLD Express 36"
93 Robben Beurms Hubo-Scott Cycling Team 36"
94 Jan Van Laer Stageco CT 36"
95 Yorick Slaets Mini Discar Cycling Team 36"
96 Robbe Smets Antwerp Cycling Team Kontich 36"
97 Robbe Van Duysen Mixte 1 36"
98 Klaas Meekma Volharding Cycling Team 36"
99 Thomas Soetens De Molenspurters Meulebeke 36"
100 Viktor Van Den Branden Antwerp Cycling Team Kontich 36"
101 Nand Martens Hubo-Scott Cycling Team 45"
102 Hannes Fabri Vetrapo-B-Close Cycling Team 53"
103 Hannu Brits Young Cycling Talent D&D 55"
104 Yannis Collignon Mini Discar Cycling Team 1'05"
105 Jens Teirlinck Carbonbike-Giordana 1'11"
106 Matthis Dejaeghere The Lead Out Cycling Academy 1'39"
107 Stef Schurgers Sport en Moedig Genk 1'41"
108 Glenn Marin KD Bikes-Doltcini CT 1'49"
109 Birger Donie Team Dakwerken Eddy Stroobant 2'05"
110 Brent Van Mulders Carbonbike-Giordana 2'11"
111 Stef Vermeiren Mixte 1 2'22"
112 Tinus Thys LRG Cycling Team 2'22"
113 Senne Dewaele Mixte 1 2'27"
114 Borre Van den Eede Hubo-Scott Cycling Team 2'29"
115 Stijn Siemons Van Eyck Sport-Josan-TLD Express 2'29"
116 Yente Schoubben Sport en Moedig Genk 2'31"
117 Robin Frederic Kos The Lead Out Cycling Academy 3'19"
118 Robbe Dewilde VDM-Trawobo CT 3'19"
119 Liam Punnewaert VDM-Trawobo CT 3'22"
120 Tom Pessemier CT Immo Plus-Pessemier NV 3'50"
121 Arne De Schuyter Vetrapo-B-Close Cycling Team 4'03"
122 Timothy Claeys Campe Cycling Team 4'03"
123 Jarne Verbruggen KD Bikes-Doltcini CT 4'03"
124 Jarne Bontinck Team Dakwerken Eddy Stroobant 4'03"
125 Nick Batens KD Bikes-Doltcini CT 4'03"
126 Ben Coppens Sport en Moedig Genk 4'03"
127 Niels Platteau Vetrapo-B-Close Cycling Team 4'07"
128 Yoni Ryckaert Campe Cycling Team 4'08"
129 Toon Van den Bergh Young Cycling Talent D&D 4'08"
130 Niels Liedts Team Dakwerken Eddy Stroobant 4'08"
131 Boud Greefs Sport en Moedig Genk 4'11"
132 Niels Goris LRG Cycling Team 4'14"
133 Jarne De Ost Van Eyck Sport-Josan-TLD Express 4'32"
99993Ab. Seppe De Beuckeleer VDM-Trawobo CT
99993Ab. Bart Pieters Carbonbike-Giordana
99993Ab. Noah Keppens Debondt Verandas CT
99993Ab. Quinten Saintobijn CT Immo Plus-Pessemier NV
99993Ab. Severi Savukoski CT Immo Plus-Pessemier NV
99993Ab. Josia Landerwyn De Molenspurters Meulebeke
99993Ab. Sofiane Guettari LRG Cycling Team
99993Ab. Brent Vanhees LRG Cycling Team
99993Ab. Kobe Rens Young Cycling Talent D&D
99993Ab. Quino Persoon KD Bikes-Doltcini CT
99993Ab. Quinten Janssens KD Bikes-Doltcini CT
99993Ab. Bryan Maes DCR Cycling Team
99993Ab. Joachim Van Looveren Cyclis-Van den Plas Cycling
99993Ab. Thomas Nieland Volharding Cycling Team
99993Ab. Max Haaksman Volharding Cycling Team
99993Ab. Nathan Van Eekelen Volharding Cycling Team
99993Ab. Mees Willemsen Global Cycling Team
99993Ab. Austin Verbracke Campe Cycling Team
99993Ab. Miles Gevaert Campe Cycling Team
99993Ab. Karol Crijnen Antwerp Cycling Team Kontich
99993Ab. Kévin Lava Team Dakwerken Eddy Stroobant
99993Ab. Niels Ramaekers Sport en Moedig Genk
99993Ab. Pieter Vermeersch Mixte 2
99993Ab. Jeroen Huysser Mixte 2
99993Ab. Birger Rosseeuw Mixte 1

Dernières infos de l'épreuve