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Joe Martin Stage Race dames

2.2F (4 étapes)

Gros plan

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Autres éditions de l'épreuve :
2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2018 - 2017

Départ : Fayetteville
Arrivée : Fayetteville
Distance : 99.8 km
Heure de départ : Non précisée
Départ : Cedarville
Arrivée : Fayetteville
Distance : 103 km
Heure de départ : Non précisée
Départ :
Arrivée : Non précisé
Distance : 4.84 km
Heure de départ : Non précisée
Départ : Fayetteville
Arrivée : Fayetteville
Distance : 58.2 km
Heure de départ : Non précisée

99.8 km en 2h50'04" (35.210 km/h)

1 Chloe DYGERT Sho-Air Twenty20
2 Shannon Malseed EF Education-TIBCO-SVB 9"
3 Leigh Ann Ganzar Hagens Berman-Supermint 10"
4 Krista DOEBEL-HICKOK Human Powered Health Ladies 10"
5 Sara BERGEN Human Powered Health Ladies 10"
6 Emma Langley Amy D Foundation 10"
7 Jasmin Duehring Sho-Air Twenty20 13"
8 Marcela Prieto Castaneda Agolico 15"
9 Lex ALBRECHT EF Education-TIBCO-SVB 18"
10 Andrea Ramirez Fregoso Agolico 20"
11 Simone Boilard Sho-Air Twenty20 27"
12 Brenda Santoyo Agolico 34"
13 Lily Williams Hagens Berman-Supermint 38"
14 Whitney ALLISON Hagens Berman-Supermint 43"
15 Jessica CERRA Hagens Berman-Supermint 43"
16 Olivia Baril Emotional.fr Tornatech GSC Blagnac Velo Sport 31 43"
17 Marion BESSONE Emotional.fr Tornatech GSC Blagnac Velo Sport 31 43"
18 Laura Jorgensen Fast Chance Women's Cycling p/b The Happy Tooth 43"
19 Michele Schaeffer Instafund Racing 43"
20 Jennifer LUEBKE Sho-Air Twenty20 43"
21 Sharlotte Lucas EF Education-TIBCO-SVB 47"
22 Sara POIDEVIN Human Powered Health Ladies 51"
23 Ariadna Gutierrez Arzaluz Agolico 51"
24 Haley Gill Instafund Racing 55"
25 Emily Newsom EF Education-TIBCO-SVB 59"
26 Emily Ehrlich CWA Racing p/b Flamingo Racing LLC 1'04"
27 Jasmin Gabriela Soto Lopez Agolico 1'04"
28 Courteney Lowe Waikato Bay of Plenty 1'04"
29 Frédérique LAROSE-GINGRAS Emotional.fr Tornatech GSC Blagnac Velo Sport 31 1'04"
30 Allie Legg Sho-Air Twenty20 1'08"
31 Janelle COLE Fast Chance Women's Cycling p/b The Happy Tooth 1'08"
32 Isabella Bertold Instafund Racing 1'08"
33 Emma WHITE Human Powered Health Ladies 1'08"
34 Madison Ward Amy D Foundation 1'08"
35 Stefanie Sydlik Femme Equipe p/b Swisse Wellness 1'14"
36 Scotti LECHUGA Fast Chance Women's Cycling p/b The Happy Tooth 1'18"
37 Ann Pascale Ouellet Emotional.fr Tornatech GSC Blagnac Velo Sport 31 1'22"
38 Beth Ann ORTON Team S&M CX 1'28"
39 Maria Jose Vargas Barrientos Agolico 1'30"
40 Lori Nedescu Femme Equipe p/b Swisse Wellness 1'30"

Chargement en cours...

Chargement en cours...

Chargement en cours...

1 Chloe DYGERT Sho-Air Twenty20
2 Shannon Malseed EF Education-TIBCO-SVB 19"
3 Sara BERGEN Human Powered Health Ladies 30"
4 Andrea Ramirez Fregoso Agolico 32"
5 Krista DOEBEL-HICKOK Human Powered Health Ladies 37"
6 Emma Langley Amy D Foundation 47"
7 Marcela Prieto Castaneda Agolico 54"
8 Leigh Ann Ganzar Hagens Berman-Supermint 57"
9 Jasmin Duehring Sho-Air Twenty20 1'02"
10 Brenda Santoyo Agolico 1'10"
11 Lily Williams Hagens Berman-Supermint 0"
12 Emma WHITE Human Powered Health Ladies 1'15"
13 Lex ALBRECHT EF Education-TIBCO-SVB 1'25"
14 Olivia Baril Emotional.fr Tornatech GSC Blagnac Velo Sport 31 1'39"
15 Whitney ALLISON Hagens Berman-Supermint 1'43"
16 Sharlotte Lucas EF Education-TIBCO-SVB 1'48"
17 Emily Newsom EF Education-TIBCO-SVB 2'04"
18 Marion BESSONE Emotional.fr Tornatech GSC Blagnac Velo Sport 31 2'05"
19 Michele Schaeffer Instafund Racing 2'11"
20 Laura Jorgensen Fast Chance Women's Cycling p/b The Happy Tooth 2'13"
21 Emily Ehrlich CWA Racing p/b Flamingo Racing LLC 2'17"
22 Ariadna Gutierrez Arzaluz Agolico 2'34"
23 Scotti LECHUGA Fast Chance Women's Cycling p/b The Happy Tooth 2'39"
24 Frédérique LAROSE-GINGRAS Emotional.fr Tornatech GSC Blagnac Velo Sport 31 2'44"
25 Isabella Bertold Instafund Racing 2'49"
26 Haley Gill Instafund Racing 2'50"
27 Rachel LANGDON Fast Chance Women's Cycling p/b The Happy Tooth 2'59"
28 Jessica CERRA Hagens Berman-Supermint 0"
29 Gillian ELLSAY Human Powered Health Ladies 3'12"
30 Jennifer LUEBKE Sho-Air Twenty20 3'20"
31 Courteney Lowe Waikato Bay of Plenty 3'26"
32 Starla TEDDERGREEN Hagens Berman-Supermint 3'29"
33 Ayesha McGowan Amy D Foundation 3'33"
34 Janelle COLE Fast Chance Women's Cycling p/b The Happy Tooth 3'35"
35 Beth Ann ORTON Team S&M CX 4'03"
36 Madison Ward Amy D Foundation 4'16"
37 Danielys Garcia CWA Racing p/b Flamingo Racing LLC 6'18"
38 Stefanie Sydlik Femme Equipe p/b Swisse Wellness 8'02"
39 Maria Jose Vargas Barrientos Agolico 8'30"
40 Samantha SCHNEIDER CWA Racing p/b Flamingo Racing LLC 8'46"
41 Lori Nedescu Femme Equipe p/b Swisse Wellness 9'29"
42 Allie Legg Sho-Air Twenty20 9'42"
43 Emily Marcolini Equipe mixte 12'16"
44 Sara POIDEVIN Human Powered Health Ladies 13'03"
45 Harriet Owen Hagens Berman-Supermint 13'29"
46 Flora Yan CWA Racing p/b Flamingo Racing LLC 15'15"
47 Esta Bovill Instafund Racing 0"
48 Erica ALLAR Human Powered Health Ladies 16'29"
49 Allison BEVERIDGE Human Powered Health Ladies 22'08"
50 Emma Edwards Femme Equipe p/b Swisse Wellness 24'16"
51 Winanda SPOOR Fast Chance Women's Cycling p/b The Happy Tooth 40'18"
52 Brenna Wrye-Simpson Orion Racing 43'00"

Dernières infos de l'épreuve

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